Intelligent Sentiment
About Intelligent Sentiment
1E Sentiment is in Early Access. This means the feature is earlier in its development cycle and is not fully supported like other products in the 1E portfolio. Features may be rapidly added, changed, or removed, and may not work from time to time. We are committed to iterating rapidly to add additional value and welcome your feedback to help us prioritize what to build next.
Intelligent Sentiment augments traditional sentiment methods like surveys by providing an automatically generated user sentiment based on edge AI analysis of device and user interaction telemetry. This provides improved situational awareness of sentiment across your entire user base, along with an improved ability to understand why sentiment might be degrading.
Intelligent Sentiment is a dashboard including the following widgets:
Anomalies Detected: This feature highlights anomalies detected over time.
Top Common Problems: Analyzes free-text feedback and collates it into themes highlighting potential problems reported by your users. You can drill into this to review specific text feedback related to the problem.
Significant Words: Provides visibility of significant words mentioned in the free text users can submit when filling in Intelligent Sentiment surveys. You can drill in to review more details including users impacted and specific text feedback.
Sentiment Survey vs. Intelligent Sentiment: Provides a time series graph showing AI-predicted Intelligent Sentiment versus user-reported sentiment when anomalies are detected on the users' devices.
A note on sentiment surveys
Intelligent Sentiment includes the option, using the DEX Pack, to trigger sentiment surveys for users if an anomaly is detected on their devices.
If a survey is selected to trigger when an anomaly is detected on a device (for example, a significant CPU spike), the users will be prompted to report their sentiment, although they can easily dismiss the prompt if they are busy. This user-reported sentiment is crucial for 1E to improve the precision, recall, and effectiveness of the Intelligent Sentiment capabilities.
You can leverage multiple Endpoint Automation policies if you wish to have sentiment surveys triggering on some user devices but not others.