Installing the 1E PowerShell Toolkit

You can download the 1E PowerShell Toolkit from the Releases page of the 1E Support Portal. Extract the downloaded .zip file.

Installing to the default module folder location

To install the 1E PowerShell Toolkit to the default module folder, copy the Toolkit files to the appropriate default PowerShell module folder location. This will make them available to either the current user or all users on the install device, depending on the path you choose.

To see the appropriate folder locations, examine the $Env:PSModulePath variable in PowerShell. The first location is the per-user module folder, and the second location is the per-machine install folder. This is typically the following:

C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\

Assuming you are installing to the per-machine folder, create a new folder under this path called PS1EToolkit. Then copy the following files into this folder.

  • PS1EToolkit.psd1

  • PS1Etoolkit.psm1

You can now import the Toolkit into a PowerShell session by typing the following:

import-module PS1EToolkit

You do not need to copy the supplied platform Instructions XML files because they are intended to be uploaded to the platform to provide support for OSQuery integration and Querying Activity Records. Uploading these only has to be done once.

Version 1.2.24+ of the 1E PowerShell Toolkit no longer requires the Tachyon.InstructionSigner.exe signing tool to code sign instruction XML files. This version of the Toolkit can directly sign these files.

As of release 1.2.0 of the Toolkit, the prefixes for cmdlets have been changed to 1E from Tachyon to reflect the company rebranding and renaming of its products.

If you are overwriting an older version of the toolkit, then you may wish to remove the two files associated with the older version of the toolkit, although they can coexist (PSTachyonToolkit.psd1 and PSTachyonToolkit.psm1).

If you have scripts that use the Tachyon prefix, and you prefer not to change them to use the 1E prefix, then refer to Compatibility with legacy scripts.

Installing to the current folder

Alternatively, you can run the 1E PowerShell Toolkit from any folder you choose. To do this, ensure that the files from the above location are in an appropriate folder, and launch a PowerShell command prompt from an account that has the appropriate 1E Platform privileges (for Windows authentication). For modern authentication, you can either log on interactively to your selected identity provider or log on using an appropriate certificate. For information on the Set-1EServer cmdlet, refer to Platform server management cmdlets.

Import the manifest using the following:

import-module .\ps1EToolkit

You can use the optional -Force parameter to import-module to ensure that the module is always imported even if already present. This may be useful if you have an older version of the Toolkit already installed to the default module folder location but want to override it with a later version that is in a specific folder.

You can use the get-1EToolkitversion to determine the currently active version of the Toolkit at any time.

Setting the 1E Platform server

Refer to Setting the 1E Platform server in Requirements for using the 1E PowerShell Toolkit.

Script customization

Refer to Script customization in Requirements for using the 1E PowerShell Toolkit.

Toolkit files

The 1E PowerShell Toolkit contains the files listed in the table below. For most functionality, you need only the .psm1 and .psd1 files. The other files in bold are additionally required if you wish to use the dynamic instruction creation functionality. They are not otherwise required during normal operation.

The instruction XML files provide helper functionality for certain cmdlets. To use that functionality, you only need to upload these instructions once to your 1E instance. After that, anyone using the Toolkit can use these helper instructions, provided they have been granted appropriate 1E permissions.




The main PowerShell module.


The PowerShell module manifest.


A json file containing each available SCALE module and method, along with the method parameters and schema. This file is used when creating instructions that invoke Tachyon methods.



These two files constitute the Tachyon instruction signing tool. You do not need this tool unless you want to be able to dynamically create instructions and then sign them for upload.

As of version 1.2.24, the 1E PowerShell Toolkit no longer requires these files to sign instructions. It can perform the signing operation itself.

Refer to Code signing certificate.


A helper instruction for querying Activity Records. For more information, refer to Querying Activity Records.


A helper instruction for performing OSQuery queries. For more information, refer to OSQuery integration.


A helper instruction used with the credential management cmdlets. Refer to Credential management cmdlets.


A helper instruction used with the credential management cmdlets. Refer to Credential management cmdlets.


A helper instruction used with the credential management cmdlets. Refer to Credential management cmdlets.


A helper instruction used with the credential management cmdlets. Refer to Credential management cmdlets.


A helper instruction used with the invoke-wmiquery cmdlet to run WMI queries. For more information, refer to WMI integration.