Tachyon Experience management cmdlets

Tachyon Experience management cmdlets allow you to manage and interact with the Tachyon Experience subsystem.


This cmdlet returns available investigation categories within the Experience subsystem.

Get-1EInvestigationCategoryMetric -Name <category name>

This cmdlet returns the available metrics for a given investigation category.

Get-1EInvestigationCategoryMetric -Name network

Get-1EInvestigationCategoryAttribute -Name <category name>

This cmdlet returns the category attributes (if any) for a given investigation category.

Get-1EMetricInformation [-Name <name>]|[-Id <id>]

This cmdlet returns information about all Experience metrics or information for a specific metric by name or Id.

Get-1EMetricInformation -Id 99

Get-1ESurvey [-Name <name>]|[-Id <id>]

This cmdlet returns information about all User Experience (sentiment) surveys or information for the survey whose name or id is specified.

Set-1ESurveyManagementGroup  -Name <name> -ManagementGroup <managementgroups>

This cmdlet assigns the specified survey to one or more management groups, defined by name. If specifying multiple management groups, pass an array, for example, @('mg1','mg2').
Any existing management group assignments are replaced completely with the specified management groups.

Get-1ESurveyResponse -Id <id>

This cmdlet returns any survey responses for the survey whose Id is specified. Note that this Id is returned as the SourceId member property from the Get-1ESurvey cmdlet.

Remove-1ESurvey [-Name <name>]|[-Id <id>]

This cmdlet deletes the survey specified by the name or id parameter.

Export-1ESurvey -Name <name> -Path <path>

This cmdlet exports the survey whose name is defined to a file as JSON. This file can then be used with the Import-1ESurvey cmdlet.

Import-1ESurvey -Name <name> [ -Path <path> ] | [ -Survey <survey> ]

This cmdlet imports the survey from an export file specified by the -Path parameter or using a direct JSON string representing the survey (which can be created by calling the Get-1ESurvey cmdlet and using the convertto-json cmdlet to convert to JSON). The survey is given the name defined by the -Name parameter.

An imported survey is initially set to have a status of Disabled. Use the Enable-1ESurvey cmdlet to enable it subsequent to import.

Enable-1ESurvey -Id <id>

This cmdlet enables the survey specified by the Id.

Disable-1ESurvey -Id <id>

This cmdlet disables the survey specified by the Id.

Get-1ETopic [-Name <name>]|[-Id <id>]

This cmdlet returns any topics associated with the Experience subsystem or information for the topic whose name or Id is specified.

Get-1ETopic -Name operatingsystem.upgrade

Get-1EAnnouncementResponse -Id <id>

This cmdlet gets the announcement responses associated with the specified announcement Id.