Log files

Details of 1E Client log files.

1E Client logs

Upgrades retain the location and configuration of log files.

Log file locations

1E Client logs on Windows

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1E\Client\1E.Client.log (used by 1E Client and 1E features, and Shopping client)


1E Client logs on macOS

/Library/Logs/1E.Client.Daemon.log (shows any service start errors)

/Library/Logs/1E.Client.log (shows the current operation of the 1E Client)

1E Client logs on other non-Windows platforms


Nomad client log


PXE Everywhere Agent log


Shopping client log


WakeUp client log


By default, Windows resolves %ALLUSERSPROFILE% as C:\ProgramData\


1E Client log

The LogPath setting is stored in the 1E.Client.Conf file and determines the full path and filename of the 1E Client log file.

The 1E Client log is shared by:

  • 1E Client.

  • 1E client features.

  • Shopping client module (only available on Windows OS).

To change the logging level, please refer to LoggingLevel in the 1E.Client.CONF file.

The following are not configurable in this version:

  • Maximum size of 5MB

  • 5 rollover files numbered 1 (newest) to 5 (oldest) with the rollover number included as n.log

Nomad client log

LogFileName registry is configurable using MODULE.NOMAD.LOGPATH and MODULE.NOMAD.LOGNAME installer properties.

  • MaxLogFileSize is configurable using MODULE.NOMAD.MAXLOGSIZE. Default is 5242880 (5MB).

  • When the log file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed with a .LO_ extension and a new .LOG file is created. The .LO_ file is overwritten each time.

PXE Everywhere Agent log

LogFileName registry is configurable using MODULE.PXEEVERYWHERE.LOGPATH installer property, with the default filename PXEEverywhere.log.

  • MaxLogfileSize is configurable using MODULE.PXEEVERYWHERE.MAXLOGFILESIZE. Default is 1048576 (1MB).

  • When the log file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed with a .LO_ extension and a new .LOG file is created. The .LO_ file is overwritten each time.

  • The logfile format is configurable using MODULE.PXEEVERYWHERE.LOGFORMAT default (1) is Configuration Manager-compatible format.

Shopping client log

Not configurable using installer properties. Configurable by modifying the Log4Net settings in the Shopping.UI.exe.config file, located in %ProgramFiles%\1E\Client\Extensibility\Shopping folder.

WakeUp client log

LogFileName registry is configurable using MODULE.WAKEUP.LOGPATH and MODULE.WAKEUP.LOGFILENAME installer properties.

  • MaxLogFileSize is configurable using MODULE.WAKEUP.MAXLOGFILESIZE. Default is 1048576 (1MB).

  • 5 rollover files numbered 1 (newest) to 5 (oldest) with the rollover number included as n.log

  • In previous versions of WakeUp the .LOG file was renamed with a .LO_ extension and a new .LOG file is created. The .LO_ file is overwritten each time.