1E Nomad task sequence actions

Please click on a link for more information about a custom task sequence action and its configuration.

Additional task sequence actions

Below is an additional standard action required by 1E OSD task sequences, that does not exist (yet) out-of-box action when Nomad OSD Tools is installed.

Reset Nomad Cache

Ensures the Nomad cache is located on the correct partition. This action is necessary after repartitioning the disk.

You must manually create this step using Add > General > Run Command Line.

Expand table




Reset Nomad Cache

Command line

cmd /c md %SMSTSLocalDataDrive%\ProgramData\1E\NomadBranch && cmd /c reg add HKLM\Software\1E\NomadBranch /v LocalCachePath /d %SMSTSLocalDataDrive%\ProgramData\1E\NomadBranch\ /t REG_SZ /f