Inventory Management menu
The Inventory Management menu contains the pages described below.
You can export device, software and user data to files containing comma-separated values .csv, using Export.
For information about how to customize data views and filtering options, refer to Metrics and filtering.

This page provides a list of all devices visible to 1E Experience Analytics. You can see Experience, Stability, Performance, and Responsiveness statistics, and you can sort them accordingly.
Device Comparison
Device Comparison currently supports comparing two devices.
Selecting two online devices from the Devices table enables the Device Comparison button.
Click the button to see data from both of the selected devices in real time. The details for the comparison are displayed in a table, with the parameter headings in the left-hand column and one column per device showing the values corresponding to the parameters. The information in the table is grouped into seven collapsible category headings: Device, Operating System, Usage, Hardware, Software, Services, and Processes.
If the information displayed in the Device Comparison window is different for the devices you compare, the row is highlighted in yellow. If the information is the same, the row is highlighted in white. You can select to focus on only the differences by turning on the Only different values toggle.
To select a device as the scope for an Endpoint Troubleshooting session, select the check box in the device column heading, and then click Explore.
Scatter Chart
Click the Scatter Chart button on the Devices page to display the Scatter Chart window. The devices from the current view are displayed as points on a graph according to their responsiveness scores on the x-axis and performance scores on the y-axis. You can hover over a point on the graph to view its details.
The parameters on the axes can be changed using the axis drop-down menus. The parameter you want to plot is selected from a list that can be filtered by typing text into the search field. Both axes can be changed. The screenshot below shows the device Memory: Hard page faults plotted against the Memory: Page file usage.
You must click the Apply button to update the graph according to the new selection.
Explore Button
If the account you are viewing 1E Experience Analytics with has at least the Global Questioner role, you will also see an Explore button on the Devices page. Clicking this button will launch 1E Endpoint Troubleshooting. The coverage will be set to the device you were viewing in Experience Analytics.
Device View: Experience tab
Click a link in the FQDN column in the list of devices to open the Experience tab. This tab contains information derived from and useful for 1E Experience Analytics. It contains the following panels:
Name |
Description |
Shows the current gradings for all the metrics that are measured by 1E Experience Analytics. Metrics with a very poor grading are marked by lines in red with an exclamation point. Only the current gradings can be seen here. It is not possible to look at the history information in this panel. |
Shows the metric measurements over time, making it easy to determine trends and see what else was happening on the device as an issue progressed. |
Shows the Windows Event Log entries for significant events. These events are captured as they happen; the device does not wait for the daily digest to send the information to the switch. |
Shows two charts and lists the applications that have most recently been interacted with on the device. The Interaction Time Percent chart shows the amount of time each application on the device was interacted with as a percentage of the time for all the applications. The Foreground Time Percent chart shows the amount of time each application spent in the foreground as a percentage of the time for all the applications. The applications that have been most recently interacted with on the device are displayed in a list and can be sorted by the following columns:
Shows a list of information about the last known user for the device. This can be sorted by the following columns.

The Software page provides a tabular listing of all the software products that are installed in the environment (including executable, version, and architecture). The second set of columns in the list provide additional metrics or event details associated with the software products.
The software table can be sorted by each column (ascending or descending) as well as filtered based on the available column values. Click a row in the table to only display entries that match the Product, Executable, Version, and Architecture values for that row. The table displayed subsequently omits these columns as the values will all be the same, so you can focus your attention on the rest of the data.
On this page you can also disable the Only show issues setting; however, this may impact the performance of the page, leading to longer loading times.

The Users page displays user experience information, including measurements of how well the devices are providing the users with a good experience, combined with their user survey responses.
The user doesn't appear in the list if there is no associated device or the user information is not found.
Here you can find all of the user-related information in 1E Experience Analytics. The main part of the page is the Users table, which displays the following information:
Column |
Description |
Username |
The name of the user. Click the link to see data specific to the user, as gathered by Experience. Refer to User Overview and User Sentiment. |
Last Activity |
The last time data was gathered for the user. |
Devices |
The number of devices the user is associated with. |
User Sentiment |
The user's latest User Sentiment score. |
Application Responsiveness |
The latest score for how reactive the user's sessions have been. |
The number of entries where the latest User Sentiment score is marked as poor (orange) or very poor (red with an exclamation point). The number is a link that you can click to see the user's Sentiment Survey responses, filtered to show the latest and just poor or very poor ratings. |
Device Performance |
The average device performance for the user and their devices. |
Device Responsiveness |
The lowest score for device responsiveness for the user across all their devices. |
Device Stability |
The score for device stability for the user across all their devices. |
You can also control the information that is displayed in the table using the Select Metrics & Events button in the page header.
User Overview
Click a username on the Users page to open the Overview page. This page shows all of the details that have been gathered for the user.
The User Experience panel on the left displays the Experience scores and metrics. These aggregated scores are derived by the Experience application from all of the devices the user is associated with and their User Sentiment Survey responses.
The Devices panel on the right displays information for all of the devices the user is associated with. It shows some basic information about the devices, as gathered by 1E from on-prem AD at runtime, and the following tabs:
User Sentiment
Click a username on the Users page and then click the Sentiment tab. Here you can see all of the responses made by a user to any user sentiment surveys they have received.
The main part of this page is a searchable table.
Column |
Description |
Response |
The response the user made to a User Sentiment Survey. |
The FQDN of the device where the user made the response. Click the link to view all of the device metrics. Refer to Metrics. |
Date |
How long ago they made the response. |
Survey |
The User Sentiment Survey name. Click the link to view all the responses to the survey. |
Question |
The question of the User Sentiment Survey. |
Free Text |
Any free text the user entered when responding. |
Turn on the Latest Only toggle to view only the latest responses to the survey. You can also select to display only the responses that are rated poor or very poor by turning on the Pain Points Only toggle.