Inspect end user device
SGC for 1E integrates between ServiceNow CMDB module and 1E. Its main purpose is to support service desk personnel with real-time and reliable information. It populates a list of all your end user devices and display the attributes stored in CMDB.
The Computers page
To navigate to the Computers page, type cmdb_ci_computer.list table name in the filter navigator and press enter. This opens up the Computers page in a new tab. The Computers page provides useful information like end user devices details.
The table has defined fields that display details of end user devices like:
FQDN (Fully qualified domain name)
Name (name of the device)
Serial number
Operating System
OS Version
OS Service Pack
OS Domain
OS Address Width(bits)
CPU speed(MHz)
CPU name
CPU type
CPU count
CPU core count
CPU core thread
CPU manufacturer
Model ID
Most recent discovery
Chassis Type
Assigned to (user to which this device is assigned).
Device details
End user device details are stored in ServiceNow in the form of a record. You can view device details by clicking the information preview icon displayed at the start of the device's entry in the Computers table and allows you to view records specific to that device.
SGC for 1E displays the device's asset details from CMDB, as shown in the picture opposite. Here you can see that the selected device is PC0001.
The Configuration tab
The Configuration tab provides further details related to the device, such as the Operating System domain, type, version and service pack, all of which can be useful when attempting to manage the device remotely. The information displayed here is fetched from ServiceNow CMDB.
The 1E CMDB Connect tab
The SGC for 1E tab displays real-time status information of a device with the help of 1E. When you click the 1E CMDB Connect tab, it opens the existing record for the device from the cmdb_ci_computer table. It specifies the current status of the device, for example online or offline.
Other displayed details are as shown below:
Fields |
Description |
IP Address |
It shows the IP address of the device. |
Last Reboot |
Shows the time when the device was last rebooted. |
Domain |
Domain the current device belongs to. |
Operating System |
Operating system information of the current device. |
Last Seen |
When the device was last seen online. |
Timezone |
Time-zone selected/applied on the device. |
SGC for 1E captures real-time information, so the details provided in this section might differ from some details provided under the configuration tab.
Related lists
Related lists represent the extended support provided by SGC for 1E, where you can capture real-time information about a device like:
File Systems
Installed Software
RAM Usage
Running Processes
TCP Connections.
On Computers, page, Related Lists depend on App configuration being completed as part of the Post-installation tasks. The buttons displayed on this page directly depending on how you have configured your application.
The relative details of Related Lists are displayed only when the device is online.
Buttons with the 1E logo are provided by SGC for 1E.
Clicking the associated Get button on a particular tab triggers the related 1E instruction to fetch associated data, as you can see in the following examples.
Clicking Get CI IPs fetches IP details of the selected device, like:
IP Address
MAC Address
Last Refreshed
File Systems
Clicking File Systems, fetches related device specific details, including:
Drive name
Free space
Last Refreshed
Installed Software
Clicking Installed Software fetches a list of software installed on the selected device, including:
Product details
Last Refreshed
RAM Usage
Clicking RAM Usage, fetches RAM details of the selected device including:
Last Refreshed
Running Processes
Clicking Running Processes displays details related to the processes running on the selected device:
Local Address
Local Port
Process name
Remote Address
Last Refreshed.
TCP Connections
Clicking TCP Connections fetches details of the selected device, including:
Last Refreshed.
The Software Installations page
To navigate to the Software Installations page, type cmdb_sam_sw_install.list table name in the filter navigator and press enter. This opens up the Software Installations page in a new tab, as shown in the picture. This page displays details about the software installed on end user devices.
The table has defined fields that display details of the software installed, like:
Display Name
Discovery Model
Installed on
Assigned to
The Network Adapters page
To navigate to the Network Adapters page, type cmdb_ci_network_adapter.list table name in the filter navigator and press enter. This opens up the Network Adapters page in a new tab, as shown in the picture. This page displays details about network adapters on end user devices.
The table has the following defined fields:
MAC Address
IP Address
Configuration Item
Mac manufacturer
DHCP Enabled
The Disks page
To navigate to the Disks page, type cmdb_ci_disk.list table name in the filter navigator and press enter. This opens up the Disks page in a new tab, as shown in the picture. This page has information about disk space on the end user devices.
The table has the following defined fields:
Free disk space (GB)
Model ID
The Windows Server page
To navigate to the Windows Server page, type cmdb_ci_win_server.list table name in the filter navigator and press enter. This opens up the Windows Server page.
The Windows Server page provides useful information like devices details similar to Computers page.
Windows Server device details are stored in ServiceNow in the form of a record. You can view device details by clicking the information preview icon displayed at the start of the device's entry in the Windows Server table and allows you to view records specific to that device.
The Configuration tab
The Configuration tab provides further details related to the device, such as the Operating System, domain, type, version and service pack. This information can be useful when attempting to manage the device remotely.
1E CMDB Connect tab
The 1E CMDB Connect tab displays real-time status information of a device with the help of 1E. When you click the 1E CMDB Connect tab, it opens the existing record for the device from the cmdb_ci_win_server table. It specifies the current status of the device, i.e. online or offline.
Related lists
Related lists represent the extended support provided by SGC for 1E, where you can capture real-time information about a device like:
File Systems
Installed Software
RAM Usage
Running Processes
TCP Connections