
You can access this menu by clicking your avatar and selecting Settings. This is only visible, and restricted to the Full Administrator role by default or a configured role with the Security permission. Refer to Roles and Securables.

Infrastructure log

The Infrastructure log page lets you view status log events related to the 1E infrastructure.




Shows the type of event being logged. For example a Workflow event.

Sub type

Shows the sub type (if any) for more general type events. For example Email Notification is a sub type of a Workflow event.


The description of the event. For example Failure sending mail. Unable to connect to the remote server No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it shows a workflow event cause by a failure to connect to the specified mail server.

Date created

The date the event was created.

Audit information log

The Audit information log page lets you view information on who is using 1E what actions they are performing.




The type of event. For example Instruction Onboarding events let you know who has been loading instructions into 1E.


Description of the actual event that occurred. For example Instruction definitions added to Instruction set 'Verification' lets you know that some instructions were added to a particular instruction set.


The user who performed the action being logged. For example ACME\TCNInstaller01 identifies the user who added instruction definitions to an instruction set.

Date created

The date and time the logged action occurred.

Detail message

Clicking the icon displays the Detail message for that row as a pop-up. The popup provides additional information related to the log item.