Multi-domain configurations

Shopping supports implementations that span multiple domains. During installation, Shopping must be pointed at a Configuration Manager server which is used as its main contact. A Shopping Receiver must be installed on that server and on all other Configuration Manager site servers that Shopping interacts with. The Shopping Central and Shopping Receiver components may be installed on different domains but you must configure the DNS settings as follows:

  • If the Shopping Central service and main Configuration Manager contact are hosted on different domains, you must ensure that the SMS Provider (returned by the Configuration Manager server used during installation) is resolved to the correct domain name before you install Shopping central. This can only be done if a DNS search suffix for the Configuration Manager domain is added to the TCP/IP stack for the Shopping Central server's network card.

  • If the Shopping Central service and Shopping Receiver are hosted on different domains, add the DNS search suffix for the Receiver's domain to the TCP/IP stack for the Shopping Central server's network card. This must be done before users on the domain is serviced by that Shopping Receiver.

  • DNS search suffixes are added on the DNS tab in the Advanced TCP/IP Settings for the IPv4 Properties of the Shopping Central server's network card.