Post-installation steps

IIS Redirect

A desirable and recommended configuration is to allow your end users to easily connect to the Shopping portal by simply entering the base web URL in their browser. For example: or http://appstore, depending on how your computers resolve DNS names. IIS Redirect causes connections to the Default Web Site to be redirected to the Shopping website by appending /Shopping to the base web URL.

Without this, end users will must manually append /Shopping to the end of the base Web URL, which is often difficult to remember, and if they get it wrong they may end up having connection errors or seeing the web page for theDefault Web Site.

To implement IIS Redirect requires the IIS feature HTTP Redirect (Web-Http-Redirect) to be installed and enabled, which will have already been done if you prepared IIS using the PowerShell script provided in Shopping Central IIS configuration. To complete the configuration, you can run the accompanying PowerShell script.

Take care if implementing this solution on a Web Server that is shared by other web applications. This is the reason why Shopping Central installer does not automatically configure IIS Redirect. Shopping is often installed on a shared web server where the Default Web Site may be used for other applications, which would be affected during installation/re-installation or upgrade of Shopping.

IIS Redirect Powershell script

# 1E Ltd Copyright 2016
# Disclaimer:
# Your use of this script is at your sole risk. This script is provided "as-is", without any warranty, whether express
# or implied, of accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement, and is not
# supported or guaranteed by 1E. 1E shall not be liable for any damages you may sustain by using this script, whether
# direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
$isElevated = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] `
[Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() `
if (!$isElevated){write-host "you MUST run this script in elevated mode!"
# set the redirect for the Shopping website using the proper relative path (ie ../Shopping) this way it doesn't matter what the Host Header is
# this would be run post install for Shopping as this is not configured by default during an upgrade or new install
Import-Module WebAdministration
Set-WebConfiguration system.webServer/httpRedirect "IIS:\sites\Shopping" -Value @{enabled="true";destination="../shopping";childOnly="true"}
Set-WebConfiguration system.webServer/httpRedirect "IIS:\sites\Shopping\Shopping" -Value @{enabled="false";}
Set-WebConfiguration system.webServer/httpRedirect "IIS:\sites\Shopping\ShoppingAPI" -Value @{enabled="false";}

Policy refresh

Shopping can use its internal implementation or 1E WakeUp to initiate a policy refresh on the ConfigMgr clients, enabling applications to be rapidly pushed to the users' computers. You have to specify a delay in initiating the policy refresh on the client because Configuration Manager takes a while to process a new Direct Membership rule created by the Shopping Receiver service. The delay depends on the Configuration Manager responsiveness.

This delay is set during when you are Installing the Shopping Receiver or from the PolicyRefreshDelay parameter in the Shopping.Receiver.exe.config file.

For Shopping to work in centralised mode, the Shopping Receiver service on all primary sites must be stopped except on the Configuration Manager CAS.

If you need to modify the delay at a later date, edit the Shopping.Receiver.exe.config file (located by default in Program Files\1E\Shopping\Shopping.Receiver on 32-bit systems and Program Files (x86)\1E\Shopping\Shopping.Receiveron 64-bit systems and update:

<add key="PolicyRefreshDelay" value="DelayInSeconds" />

where DelayInSeconds is the delay to impose for initiating a policy refresh on the client. For example, if you want the delay to be 120 seconds, edit the PolicyRefreshDelay parameter in the Shopping.Receiver.exe.config file to read:

<add key="PolicyRefreshDelay" value="120" />

Relicensing Shopping

If your evaluation license has expired you can re-license Shopping once you have obtained a full or new evaluation license from us without re-installing the product. To do this, run the ShoppingCentral executable with the command-line:

ShoppingCentral.exe -relicense=CustID-1234-5678-8765-4321

where CustID-1234-5678-8765-4321 is your new license key.

1E Client

The 1E Client has replaced the functionality previously provided by the Shopping Agent. It provides details on the local computer to determine the visibility of Shopping applications to the user and ensure that any software requested through Shopping is delivered correctly.

For information on installing the 1E Client refer to Installing the Shopping Client.