Configuration Manager legacy package settings
The following applies to legacy packages in Configuration Manager.
For Shopping applications based on legacy packages, deployments are controlled by the Shopping receiver on the CAS (or standalone Primary) is responsible for creating the collections and deployments, which are replicated throughout the hierarchy. The CAS Receiver uses Configuration Manager's own default settings. If the defaults are not suitable then an administrator can change the deployment settings before enabling the Shopping Application.
This is done using the RemoteClientFlags (Shopping MSI Property DPFLAG)
and AdvertFlags (Shopping MSI property ADVERTFLAGS)
configuration properties.
The default settings for these properties are designed to avoid impact on the WAN but do not necessarily meet users’ high expectations for quick delivery, as software distributions will be prevented in specific scenarios where package content is not available on the LAN. If your Shopping users' experience is more important, there are alternate settings that allow Shopping user preferences to take precedence, and assume occasional deployments are permitted over the WAN where necessary and that maintenance windows can be ignored.
The following section describes the default and alternate settings for legacy package adverts, but you should refer to this Microsoft article to decide the most suitable settings for your environment.
If anything other than one of the installer GUI options is required then use the DPFLAG
installer property.
Bit |
Description |
GUI option: Default |
GUI option: Always Download |
GUI option: Always run from DP |
Task Sequences |
Task Sequences and Packages |
DPFLAG value: |
2096 |
2128 (use this for Nomad) |
2184 |
2816 |
2896 (use this for Nomad) |
3 |
RUN_FROM_LOCAL_DISPPOINT. Run the program from the local distribution point. |
4 |
DOWNLOAD_FROM_LOCAL_DISPPOINT. Download the program from the local distribution point. |
5 |
DONT_RUN_NO_LOCAL_DISPPOINT. Do not run the program if there is no local distribution point. |
6 |
DOWNLOAD_FROM_REMOTE_DISPPOINT. Download the program from the remote distribution point. |
7 |
RUN_FROM_REMOTE_DISPPOINT. Run the program from the remote distribution point. |
8 |
DOWNLOAD_ON_DEMAND_FROM_LOCAL_DP. Download the program on demand from the local distribution point. This is only applicable for task sequences. |
9 |
DOWNLOAD_ON_DEMAND_FROM_REMOTE_DP. Download the program on demand from the remote distribution point. This is only applicable for task sequences. |
11 |
RERUN_ALWAYS. Always rerun the program. This is required for the 1E Shopping reshopping feature. |
If anything other than the default option is required, you must use the ADVERTFLAGS
installer property.
Bit |
Description |
Default |
An alternative |
4325408 |
15728672 |
5 |
IMMEDIATE. Announce the advertisement to the user immediately. This setting is not critical because Shopping overrides this setting on a per-app basis using the application’s mandatory property. |
17 |
DONOT_FALLBACK. Do not fall back to unprotected distribution points. This bit setting ON causes the tickbox on the adverts ‘distribution points’ tab to be disabled and fallback does not occur. The end result is also affected by RemoteClientFlags. |
20 |
OVERRIDE_SERVICE_WINDOWS. Override maintenance windows in announcing the advertisement to the user. |
21 |
REBOOT_OUTSIDE_OF_SERVICE_WINDOWS. Reboot outside of maintenance windows. |
22 |
WAKE_ON_LAN_ENABLED. There are several alternatives for whether or not to use the AdvertFlags Wake-on-LAN setting:
23 |
SHOW_PROGRESS. Announce the advertisement to the user showing task sequence progress. |