Order Tracking

Order Tracking tracks Shopping orders (self-service requests) and keep Shoppers informed with a combination of email, notification icon, and toast popups.

The choice of notification methods is centrally configured in Shopping Web administration, as described below.

Order Tracking is only supported for certain application types, listed in the table below.


Not supported

  • Configuration Manager

  • Intune

  • Non-ConfigMgr

  • 1E Instruction

The client-side Order Tracking features - icons and toast notifications - require the 1E Platform integration to be enabled, as described in 1E Platform integration.

The email Order Tracking feature works with or without enabling the 1E Platform integration and provides additional control over the some of the normal request workflow emails. A list of all emails and an overview of the normal request workflow is provided in Editing or localizing Shopping and The Shopping workflow. Order Tracking options do not affect normal request workflow Approval emails.