Intelligent Insights

About Intelligent Insights

1E Intelligence is in Early Access. This means the feature is earlier in its development cycle and is not fully supported like other products in the 1E portfolio. Features may be rapidly added, changed, or removed, and may not work from time to time. We are committed to iterating rapidly to add additional value and welcome your feedback to help us prioritize what to build next.

As part of our dedication to Responsible AI, we use the 1E Intelligence disclaimer to highlight where this feature leverages AI. Hover over the disclaimer for more information.

Intelligent Insights provides you with improved visibility over emerging issues that are impacting users and devices. By leveraging AI-driven analysis of anomalies, outliers, and trends, Intelligent Insights provides you with an early-warning system of problems that may negatively impact user experience if you do not remediate them. In addition, the feature provides human-readable analysis of gathered data, potential root causes, and provides you with clear recommendations on the next steps you can take.

New Intelligent Insights are generated every 24 hours, starting at 2 AM UTC.

The Intelligent Insights page includes the following:

  • Widgets: Capture an instant overview of total insights, impacted users, and insight criticality. Insight criticality is an AI-driven assessment leveraging the Intelligent Sentiment capability to assess how frustrating an insight may be for users. You can filter the list of insights displayed below the widgets by clicking Insights Criticality.
  • Insights table: A comprehensive view of your insights, providing an overview and easy access to more details. These include the following:
    • Filter by insight name, user frustration, or number of users impacted.

    • Sort by column values.

      By default, the insights are sorted by user frustration.

    • Add or remove columns using the column selector.

    • Drill into an insight to review additional details on the Insight Details page.

  • Archive actions: You can archive insights, view archived insights, and unarchive. This prevents the Intelligent Insights page from being cluttered with stale insights or ones you have decided not to focus on.

Insight Details

View the specific details of each insight. You can see the description of the problem identified, potential causes, user impact assessment, and recommendations and remediation guidance on what to do next. This also includes access to data driving the insight, and a device list.

Insight Details includes the following features:

  • Problems card: Allows you to review a description of the identified problem, including impact criticality and number of users affected.

  • Impacted Management Groups: Provides visibility of what Management Groups are impacted by an insight, including what proportion of that Management Group is impacted.

  • Overview tab: Allows you to review potential causes, an automatic assessment of user impact, recommendations, and remediation steps for solving the insight.

  • Trends tab: Allows you to review the metrics used to generate the insight, aggregated across all relevant devices. This includes a human-readable assessment of significant changes in that data. Click the More icon in the top right of the graph to adjust the date range and configure which metrics are displayed.

  • Devices tab: Click any device to access events and performance data associated to the insight gathered over the last seven days.

  • Feedback options: Allows you to rate insights, giving them a thumbs up, thumbs down, and optional free text feedback. This feedback is used by 1E's Product, Data Science, and Engineering teams to help improve the quality and content of insights.