
Device Inventory is similar to the Devices view in Endpoint Troubleshooting, but has extended features you can use to include all device data. Device inventory is available in both Inventory Insights and Endpoint Troubleshooting.

KPI cards

At the top of the page, there are KPI cards displaying the following:

  • Devices: Total count of different types of devices across manufacturers and operating systems.
  • Critical Devices: Devices whose criticality has been assigned as critical.
  • Inactive Devices: Devices that have been offline for 30 days or more.

Filtering and columns

You have the option to filter the page on Device Status as either Online, Offline or All by clicking the drop-down menu on the top right corner of the page. The list shows real-time, detailed information about all 1E devices in your environment.

Each page in Inventory Insights includes tools to help you customize your view and to interrogate your software data, refer to Page toolbar Search, Filters, Columns, Export for details.

Device View

Selecting a device from the devices page opens its Details which includes real-time response pages.

Menu Item



  • Details: Gain full visibility into the attributes collected by the 1E Client for a device.
  • Environment Variables: Show operating system environment variables.
  • Resource Usage: Examine the CPU, memory, and disk activity on the chart for the last hour.


  • Summary: Download activity and status for the device. Whenever you click on an FQDN on any of the Nomad pages, the Device View will be displayed with the Downloads tab selected.
  • Content: Shows the Contents Titles on the selected device. The default view is from All Sources, All Types and All Status.


  • Disk Drives: Show disk drives, including hardware and usage information.
  • Peripherals: Shows the list of plug and play hardware devices (Windows only).


  • Normalized Software: View and manage a comprehensive list of all normalized software installed on a device.
  • All Software: Access a complete list of all software installed on a device, including unmatched software.
  • Installations: Shows (per-device) installed software.
  • Windows Services: Shows a list of installed Windows services and their current state.
  • Process History: Shows detailed information about all running processes.


  • Throughput: Examine the network throughput activity on a device.
  • Interface Configuration: Returns the output from the native network interface configuration command (for example, ipconfig or ifconfig).
  • DNS: Understand the device's DNS status and configuration.
  • TCP Connections: Returns a list of established TCP connections.
  • Listening Ports: Returns a list of processes that are listening for network connections.
  • ARP Cache: Shows the list of entries in the local ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache.
  • WiFi : Show a list of visible wifi networks, including basic network properties. Platforms: Windows, macOS.


  • Application Interaction: Analyze how users interact with applications on a device.
  • User Interaction: Show user interactive sessions with activity over last 30 days.
  • Trends: The Trends tab shows the changes in the scores over time.
  • Logs: The Event Logs tab gives you a listing of the Windows Event log entries for that device.
  • Metrics: Metrics are the data points that are collected by the 1E Client and sent to the 1E server.


  • Rules Compliance: Shows a list of the rules applied.
  • Diagnostics: Returns diagnostic information about the policy applied (rules and event subscriptions).

1E Client

  • Binaries: Shows a list of the binary files in the executable folder of the 1E Client.
  • Configuration File: Shows the full content of the 1E Client configuration file.
  • Extensibility: Shows extensibility objects (modules and providers) loaded by the 1E Client.
  • Local Storage: Shows Data Files and Client Inventory Database Use tiles.
  • Nomad Configuration: Shows all the registry settings for the 1E Nomad Branch service.

Environment Variables

Displays the last updated time stamp instruction responses.

Resource Usage

Displays a chart with CPU, memory, and disk usage for the last hour. Click on any data point to view a minute-by-minute breakdown of resource usage.