Reconfiguring the 1E Client
The 1E Client will be installed with the configuration required at the time. After the initial installation, it may be necessary to reconfigure the 1E Client. For example, you may want to enable a module that was not enabled when the client was first installed. This page provides guidance on changing the configuration of the 1E Client after the initial installation and configuration.
1E Client installers include a template configuration file that contains the more important settings with default values that match hard-coded default values. The configuration file is updated during installation and named 1E.Client.conf in the installation folder along with the 1E Client executable.
After installation, configuration file settings can be managed using 1E Client reconfiguration, Endpoint Troubleshooting configuration instructions, Endpoint Automation policies, Configuration Manager baselines or other means. Registry settings can also be managed by Windows Group Policy.
This page describes how to use Configuration Manager Configuration Baselines to reconfigure the 1E Client, which applies only to Windows devices. For non-Windows devices please see Reconfiguring on non-Windows devices.
Please refer to 1E Client configuration settings and installer properties for a summary, and links to further pages with more details.
Understanding how 1E Client settings are managed
You can enable or disable 1E Client features using the 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure command line interface described in Example command-lines for reconfiguring the 1E Client below. Once enabled, additional configuration is likely to be required.
All 1E Client and Shopping configuration settings can be modified using the 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure command line interface.
All CD and most of WakeUp configuration settings are managed in the registry, so must be addressed in addition to enabling the module using the 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure command.
The table below summarizes which settings can be modified after installation using 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure and which require modification in the registry. If you are using Configuration Manager, registry settings are best managed using Configuration Baselines.
Client / module |
Set with 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure |
Set in registry |
1E Client |
None |
Shopping |
None |
WakeUp |
Module.WakeUp.Enabled Module.WakeUp.ManageFirewallRules |
All other Wakeup client settings |
CD |
Module.Nomad.Enabled |
All other Content Distribution client settings |
PXE Everywhere |
Module.PXEEverywhere.Enabled |
All other PXE Everywhere Agent settings |
Installer Properties and registry values
Installer properties allow configuration of the 1E Client during installation. While there is generally a one-to-one mapping of Installer property to registry value, the Installer properties are all prefixed with MODULE.<PRODUCT> whereas registry values are not. Aside from the prefix in Installer property names, in some cases the registry value name is different from the installer property name. When configuring the Nomad and WakeUp client module registry settings, be careful to refer to the registry value names in the above settings links rather than the Installer property names.
Using Configuration Manager to enable and reconfigure the 1E Client after installation
The 1E Client can be configured after installation using a Configuration Manager Configuration Baseline. The following template Configuration Items have been prepared and are available to be downloaded and imported into Configuration Manager.
You can download the set of template Configuration Items available here
and unzip to a working directory accessible from a CM console.
The current version of does not support changes to PXE Everywhere.
CI Name |
Description |
Enable and Configure Shopping module in 1E Client |
PowerShell script CI that detects if Shopping module is enabled. If not, the remediation script will enable and configure the Shopping module using the 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure command and restart the 1E Client for the settings to take effect. The following settings are applied by the script.
You will need to modify the remediation script as described in the process below this table with the FQDN of your Shopping host (typically a DNS alias for the Shopping website host header). You may also want to disable the Loopback Exemption (set it to false). |
Configure 1E client |
PowerShell script CI that detects if the Switch and Background Channel have been defined. If not, the remediation script will configure these settings using the 1E.Client .exe -reconfigure command and restart the 1E Client for the settings to take effect. The following settings are applied by the script.
You will need to modify the remediation script as described in the process below this table with the FQDN of your 1E host (typically a DNS alias for 1E server). Note that the 1E client cannot actually be enabled or disabled. It is an intrinsic part of the 1E Client and is always enabled. If you are not using the 1E Platform, you install 1E Client with the SWITCH and BACKGROUNDCHANNELURL properties set to NONE. |
Enable Nomad module in 1E Client |
PowerShell script CI that detects if the Nomad module is enabled. If not, the remediation script will enable the Nomad module using the 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure command and restart the 1E Client for the settings to take effect. There are no settings in this remediation script that need to be modified for Content Distribution. |
Enable WakeUp module in 1E Client |
PowerShell script CI that detects if WakeUp module is enabled. If not, the remediation script will enable the WakeUp module using the 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure command and restart the 1E Client for the settings to take effect. There are no settings in this remediation script that need to be modified for WakeUp |
Nomad Registry Settings |
Registry Value CI that includes commonly configurable Nomad registry settings with their default values. You will need to modify these if your Nomad design requires any non-default configuration settings. The zip does not contain all registry settings for Nomad. You can create your own Configuration Item for the Nomad module using Nomad Baseline Wizard. |
WakeUp 7.3 Registry Settings |
Registry Value CI that includes all commonly configurable WakeUp 7.3 registry settings with their default values. You will need to modify these at a minimum to define the SerivceURL (the URL of the AFWebService) and any non-default WakeUp configuration settings required by your design. |
To configure the 1E Client after installation:
Import template Configuration Items
Download the set of template Configuration Items available here and unzip to a working directory accessible from a CM console
Start the CM console and open the Assets and Compliance workspace
Expand the Compliance Settings folder, right-click Configuration Items and select Import Configuration Data to start the Import Configuration Data Wizard
From the Import Configuration Data Wizard Select Files page, click Add... and browse to the files extracted from You can select to import all files, or select only those relevant to the modules you want to enable and configure right now, using the above table for reference. Click Open to import the selected files
As the Configuration Items have not been signed you will be prompted to confirm that you want to import them - click Yes to import each file, then click Next
On the Summary page click Next to import the Configuration Items
On the Confirmation page click Close.
Supported Platforms
After importing the Configuration Items, double-click each in turn to view the CI properties and review the Supported Platforms tab to ensure all Operating Systems you currently manage are selected. For example, if you are managing Windows Server 2019 with CM CB 1902 or later, you will need to select Windows Server 2019.
If you want to configure 1E
Double-click the Configure 1E client in 1E Client Configuration Item to edit its properties
Click on the Settings tab, then double-click the Configure 1E client in 1E Client setting
From the General tab of the Configure 1E client in 1E Client Properties dialog box, select the Edit Script button under Remediation Script (optional)
In the script editor, replace <SERVERFQDN> with the FQDN of your 1E server for both the Switch and BackgroundChannelUrl. If you are using custom ports, then modify these accordingly too, then click OK to save and close the script editor.
Click OK on the remaining dialog boxes to save the updated CI and return to Configuration Items in the CM console.
If you want to configure Shopping
Double-click the Enable and Configure Shopping module in 1E Client configuration Item to edit its properties
Click on the Settings tab, then double-click the Enable and Configure Shopping module in 1E Client setting
From the General tab of the Enable and Configure Shopping module in 1E Client Properties dialog box, select the Edit Script button under Remediation Script (optional)
In the script editor, replace <<FQDN>> with the FQDN of your Shopping web server (typically this is a DNS alias for the Shopping website host header), then click OK to save and close the script editor
Click OK on the remaining dialog boxes to save the updated CI and return to Configuration Items in the CM console.
If you want to configure WakeUp, there are no changes required to the Enable WakeUp module in 1E Client CI, but you will need to modify the WakeUp 7.3 Registry Settings CI as follows:
Double-click the WakeUp 7.3 Registry Settings configuration Item to edit its properties
Click on the Compliance Rules tab and review the values defined for each of the registry values. To modify any of these, double-click the item and in the Edit Rule dialog box, define the value that should be used:
If the AFWebService website is using HTTP, replace the <SERVERFQDN> in the ServiceUrl (HTTP) setting with the FQDN of the web server and ensure the ServiceUrl (HTTPS) value is blank
If the AFWebService website is using HTTPS, blank the ServiceUrl (HTTP) value and replace the <SERVERFQDN> in the ServiceUrl (HTTPS) setting
When using HTTPS you must also define either CertIssuer or CertSubject setting.
Click OK to save the properties and return to Configuration Items in the CM console.
If you want to configure Nomad, there are no changes required to the Enable Nomad module in 1E Client CI, but you will need to modify the Nomad 7.0 Registry Settings CI as follows:
Double-click the Nomad 7.1 Registry Settings configuration Item to edit its properties
Click on the Compliance Rules tab and review the values defined for each of the registry values. To modify any of these, double-click the item and in the Edit Rule dialog box, define the value that should be used. If you are using ActiveEfficiency you will need to replace the <<AEServerFQDN>> in the PlatformUrl setting with the FQDN of the ActiveEfficiency web server
Click OK to save the properties and return to Configuration Items in the CM console.
Create a baseline to configure the 1E Client to include the required Configuration Items as follows:
Right-click Configuration Baselines and select Create Configuration Baseline. Enter a suitable name and description.
Click the Add button and select Configuration Items from the drop-down list. Select the Configuration Items as follows:
To configure 1E with this baseline, select the Configure 1E Client in 1E Client CI and click Add
To configure Shopping, select the Enable and Configure Shopping module in 1E Client CI and click Add
To configure WakeUp, select the Enable WakeUp module in 1E Client and WakeUp 7.3 Registry Settings CIs and click Add
To configure Nomad, select the Enable Nomad module in 1E Client and Nomad 7.0 Registry Settings CIs and click Add
When you have added all the CIs you want to include, click OK to save and close the Add Configuration Items dialog box, then click OK to close the Create Configuration Baseline dialog box.
Deploy the Configuration Baseline to systems with the 1E Client installed
Right-click the Configuration Baseline created in the previous step and select Deploy
In the Deploy Configuration Baselines dialog box check the option Remediate noncompliant rules when supported
Click the Browse... button and select a Collection to deploy the baseline to (typically you would use the same Collection that was targeted with the initial 1E Client installation deployment)
Modify the scheduling according to your preferences and click OK.
Clients in the targeted Collection will start to apply the Configuration Baseline after the next machine policy refresh. You can check the compliance status periodically Configuration Baselines view in the console.
Example command-lines for reconfiguring the 1E Client
After installing the 1E Client, it may be necessary to enable additional modules, disable modules, or change configuration settings. For example, the 1E Client may have been initially installed just for the Shopping or WakeUp modules and you now want to use the full 1E Client with the 1E Platform, or conversely you may have deployed the 1E Client without the Shopping module enabled and subsequently implemented Shopping and therefore need to enable the Shopping module. These scenarios can be managed using the 1E.Client.exe -reconfigure command-line interface, so it is easy to implement using software distribution tools such as Configuration Manager.
Please refer to 1E Client command-line parameters if you would like to see details of other CLI commands.
You can change only configuration file settings using this method, you must use other methods to change registry settings. For further guidance, please refer to Reconfiguring the 1E Client.
Any name=value pair can be added to the configuration file, no validation is done. If a key with the name does not already exist in the configuration file, it will be added to the file and a warning output (in case the name has been misspelled).
Reconfiguring on Windows devices
The -reconfigure command-line option changes the settings in the 1E.Client.conf configuration file. These changes are only available from 1E instructions when the 1E Client service is running. Use the -restart option on the command line to restart the service after the configuration changes have been made. Note that the restart will be delayed by a random duration (based on the 1E client reconnection interval) to disperse the load as clients connect to 1E, NightWatchman or Shopping servers on startup.
1E client - to configure 1E feature settings if the 1E Client was initially installed with only the Shopping, WakeUp or Nomad client modules enabled, execute the following command line:
"%ProgramFiles%\1E\Client\1E.Client.exe" -reconfigure Switch=tachyon.acme.local:4000 BackgroundChannelUrl=https://tachyon.acme.local/Background -restart
The above command can be extended to reconfigure any 1E settings because they are all stored in the 1E Client configuration file.
Nomad client - to enable the Nomad client module on a deployed 1E Client, execute the following command line:
"%ProgramFiles%\1E\Client\1E.Client.exe" -reconfigure Module.Nomad.Enabled=true
The above command only enables the Nomad client module, which is the only Nomad setting in the 1E Client configuration file. The command does not configure registry settings necessary for using ActiveEfficiency. You can update the registry using commands such as:
REG ADD HKLM\Software\1E\NomadBranch\ActiveEfficiency /v PlatformUrl /t REG_SZ /d https://aeserver.acme.local/ActiveEfficiency
PXE Everywhere client - to enable the PXE Everywhere client module on a deployed 1E Client, execute the following command line:
"%ProgramFiles%\1E\Client\1E.Client.exe" -reconfigure Module.PXEEverywhere.Enabled=true
The above command only enables the PXE Everywhere client module, which is the only PXE Everywhere setting in the 1E Client configuration file. The command does not configure registry settings necessary for connecting to the PXE Everywhere Central server. You can update the registry using commands such as:
REG ADD HKLM\Software\1E\PXEEverywhere /v ConfigServerAddress /t REG_SZ /d http://SERVER.acme.local/PXELite/PXELiteConfiguration.asmx
Shopping client - to enable the Shopping client module on a deployed 1E Client, execute the following command line:
"%ProgramFiles%\1E\Client\1E.Client.exe" -reconfigure Module.Shopping.Enabled=true Module.Shopping.ShoppingCentralUrl=http://appstore.acme.local/shopping -restart
The -reconfigure method can be used for all Shopping client settings because they are all stored in the 1E Client configuration file. If required, add Shopping Client settings=true.
WakeUp client - to enable the WakeUp client module on a deployed 1E Client, execute the following command line:
"%ProgramFiles%\1E\Client\1E.Client.exe" -reconfigure Module.WakeUp.Enabled=true Module.WakeUp.ManageFirewallRules=true
The above command only enables the WakeUp client module and enables Windows firewall rules. These are the only WakeUp settings in the configuration file. The command does not configure registry settings necessary for reporting to the NightWatchman Management Center server. You can update the registry using commands such as:
REG ADD HKLM\Software\1E\WakeUpAgt\Reporting\HTTP /v ServiceUrl /t REG_SZ /d http://nwmmc.acme.local/AFWebService/PostMessage.aspx
Reconfiguring on non-Windows devices
Please refer to 1E Client command-line parameters if you would like to see details of other CLI commands.
This method is suitable for 1E Client reconfiguring all settings on non-Windows devices because only platform client features are available and all settings are stored in the 1E Client configuration file.
On Linux and Solaris:
/usr/sbin/1E.Client -reconfigure Switch=ACME-DMZ01.ACME.LOCAL:4000 BackgroundChannelUrl=https://ACME-DMZ01.ACME.LOCAL:443/Background/ -restart
On macOS:
cd /Library/Application Support/1E/Client # Do not prefix cd with sudo
./1E.Client -reconfigure Switch=ACME-DMZ01.ACME.LOCAL:4000 BackgroundChannelUrl=https://ACME-DMZ01.ACME.LOCAL:443/Background/ -restart
Starting and Stopping the 1E Client from the command line
On Windows devices, you can start, stop and restart the 1E Client from the command-line, as an alternative to using the Windows Services console UI. Please refer to 1E Client command-line parameters for more details.
On Linux, Solaris and macOS devices, you can start, stop and restart the 1E Client from the command-line.