
MaxWorkRates is a registry key, that must be created, to hold registry values for each day of the week (Day0 to Day6) where the hourly maximums for the variable work rates are set.

Registry values

Default value


Installer property



Hourly variable workmates can be set throughout the day.

The days of the week are labelled: Day0 to Day6 where Day0 = Sunday, Day1 = Monday etc.

Each day value is REG_SZ string set as a comma separated list of 24 hourly work rates for that day. Each value can be set from 1-100.

The following is an example for setting for the Day# values where on Sunday, a maximum work rate of 20% will be used. On Monday, the max work rate between 0:00-05:59 is 80%, between 06:00-17:59 is 20% and between 18:00-23:59 is it 80% again. For the rest of the week, the work rate specified on the command-line is used. If neither work rate is specified, the default is 80%.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Nomad allows hourly variable work rates to be set throughout the day enabling organizations to use different maximum percentage of available bandwidth during the working day and in the evenings. Intra-day work rates are set on the client using the MaxWorkRatesregistry value. If the intra-day work rate is less than that defined on the command-line, it will override the command-line value. If the intra-day work rate is higher than that defined on command-line, the command-line value is used in preference.


Work rates only apply to transfers from a DP not to P2P transfers within a LAN.

Work rate override arguments

The intra-day work rates can be overridden using the --wro and --wr Nomad command-line arguments.

  • If these two arguments are combined, the value for the --wr switch is used in preference to the intra-day work rate set in the registry

  • If only the --wro argument is used, any intra-day value is overridden with a default maximum of 80%

  • If using intra-day work rates and the --wr argument only, the lower of the two values is used.