SMSNomad.exe command-line switches

This executable does not normally need to be run on a command-line, but details are provided here for reference purposes. SMSNomad.exe is normally installed as part of Nomad and configured using Configuration Manager Admin console extensions. It is also available in Nomad OSD tools in order to include in WinPE images so that Nomad can be used in OS Deployments.

Please refer to Distributing software with Content Distrubution and Configuration Manager for different types of content and Installing Nomad Branch Tools for a step-by-step guide to installing Nomad Branch Tools, which contains the Nomad Configuration Manager console extensions and Nomad OSD tools.

The format of the Nomad command-line is as follows:

SMSNomad.exe [switches] InstallCommandLine

Where InstallCommandLine is the command-line required for the target installation. For example:

SMSNomad.exe --wr=20 setup.exe
SMSNomad.exe msiexec.exe /i install.msi /qn


The double dash is required to distinguish the Nomad command-line switches from the Configuration Manager command-line switches.

The following table shows the Nomad command-line switches and their description:


Default value




Use this option to enable the use of double slash arguments in the target command-line (required by cscript.exe). For example, the following command-line sets cscript to not display its logo while running:

smsnomad.exe --// cscript.exe //Nologo



The content identifier.



Supported in dd-alone mode only.


Can be used to override the cache path (destination directory) of the download. This does not support peer sharing. As the new CachePath location is not shared, peer machines will not be able to copy from this cache. This feature is suitable for protecting bandwidth when downloading to single devices. This value is set for the duration of the program.


When modifying the cache path using cp the relocated cache will not be cleaned out by the cache cleaner.



The debug level. This value is set in the registry and is retained.

  • 1 – minimal logging

  • 9 – registry changes

  • 25 – increased logging. Should only be used if requested by 1E support.



The hash for the package to download and used to verify the integrity of the package on the DP.




Stands for hash first. If the package is partially available in the local cache, causes a hash check to run on it. If the hash check passes, the cached package is used and no download occurs. Since hash check runs by default on fully downloaded packages, this switch is relevant only for partially downloaded content.



Causes SMSNomad to quit immediately after downloading the package, instead of waiting for the package command line to finish.



Specifies that this package may be multicast if required. If multicast is not licensed, a warning is logged and the standard peer-to-peer functionality used. This value is set for the duration of the program.



Turns peer-to-peer communications off for the duration of the current package transfer.



Priority for keeping the cache. Use values between 1 (the lowest priority) and 9 (the highest priority).

If 0 is specified, then the default 1 is used.



Package identifier for the package to download.




Sets PackagePath to be the directory containing the source files to be downloaded prior to installation. This value is set for the duration of the program. Supported in standalone mode only.



This option is required in standalone mode.



This option enables Nomad to download a package without the need to run any executable in the package. Supported in standalone mode only. It replaces the need for a dummy program command-line, for example:

“cmd.exe /c echo nothing”



This standalone mode option should be used when running Nomad independently of Configuration Manager. The --pp package path option is mandatory if this option is used. This value is set for the duration of the program.



As above, however, if the package is already cached, unlike --s, --s2 will re-run the target command line.



Duration (in seconds) after which the download will time out.




Version of the package to download.




The work rate. This is the proportion of available (i.e., free) bandwidth. The range is 1 to 100, although it is not a simple percentage. This value is set for the duration of the program. If using intraday work rates and the --wr switch only, then the lower of the two values is used. For more details on intraday work rates.

Please refer to MaxWorkRates for more details about intraday work rates.



Override the intraday work rate. When --wro and --wr are combined on the Nomad command-line then the value for the --wr switch will be used in preference to the intraday work rate set in the registry.

If only the --wro switch is used, then any intraday value is overridden with a default maximum of 80%.

Please refer to MaxWorkRates for more details about intraday work rates.