Inventory Insights

1E Inventory Insights captures accurate, timely inventory, and enriches it with insight by normalizing software records into a standard vendor, product, and version format, this gives IT teams advanced analysis to make better decisions.

Inventory Insights provides:

  • Normalized inventory: Which consolidates and normalizes your software inventory into a consistent vendor, product, and version schema so you can get a clear view on what’s out there. Understand software usage, such as which devices have the most titles installed and what versions they are.
  • Unmatched Software: This is a list of software that wasn't automatically normalized by the 1E Catalog. You can create custom rules to standardize them.
  • All Software: Provides you with a flat list of every software title in your organization.

Inventory Insights uses data from theCatalog to uniquely identify software products deployed in your estate and apply auto-fill entitlement information using software SKU.

Our refreshed platform modules take advantage of Modern UI design principles, and include the following new elements:

  • An expandable left-hand and drop-down menu to browse different pages. The menu can be expanded or collapsed using the chevron icons located at the top and bottom of the pane.

  • The platform menu has been relocated to the top-right corner, adjacent to the logged-in user information. From this location you can launch other platform modules and any 1E Solutions that are included with your license.

RBAC requirements

As an Administrator, you need to enhance security and access control. By using RBAC, you can provide a more granular level of access to features and data. This allows you to control user access based on their roles and responsibilities, improving security and ensuring that users have the appropriate level of access.

The following roles are available for Inventory Insights:

Role name


Inventory Administrator

  • Full app control.
  • Manage Inventory by creating rules, tags and viewing the software data of the estate.

Inventory User

  • View Inventory data related to software.

Refer to Roles and Securables for platform role details.

Page toolbar Search, Filters, Columns, Export

Each page in Inventory Insights includes tools to help you customize your view and to interrogate your software data.

  • Search...: A general search field, the software table updates your results as you type.

  • Filters: Filters results by a combination of Column, Boolean Operator and a free text Value field.

  • Columns: Filters results by column, Details, Vendor and Title are mandatory, the remaining columns are optional.

  • Export: Exports matching results based on your applied filters in either .CSV or .TSV formats.