NomadBranch.exe command-line switches

  • Peer Backup Assistant (NMDS) switches

This executable does not normally need to be run on a command-line, but details are provided here for reference purposes.

It is normally installed as part of Nomad and configured using Configuration Manager Admin console extensions. Please refer to Nomad tab for different types of content. It is also available in Nomad OSD tools in order to include in WinPE images so that Nomad can be used in OS Deployments. Please refer to Installing Nomad Branch Tools.

The format of the Nomad service command-line is as follows:

NomadBranch.exe [switches]

In contrast to the SMSNomad.exe command-line switches, the service uses single dashes before the arguments.

Nomad service switches




Stops the current Nomad content download job immediately, which then exits with an error condition. This is intended for use by an administrator when a problem has occurred and a running job is taking an excessively long time.


Sets the debug level for the NomadBranch service where typical values are: 1=general logging, 31=maximum logging. The value is set in the registry and retained. The default is 1.


Starts the NomadBranch.exe service.


Stops the NomadBranch.exe service.


Forces verification of specific content in Nomad cache.



Forces verification of all content in Nomad cache.


Forces re-registration of all content with Content Distribution platform.

Peer Backup Assistant (NMDS) switches

NMDS commands can only be used within a Configuration Manager task sequence and must be wrapped by calling NomadPackageLocator.exe, for details refer to NomadPackageLocator.exe command-line switches. NMDS functionality requires setting and making use of task sequence variables, which is not directly supported via the NomadBranch.exe command. We recommend you first try the predefined Nomad custom task sequence actions available from the Configuration Manager console and failing that, use the equivalent NomadPackageLocator commands. Only use NomadBranch.exe NMDS commands as a last resort – they are minimally documented below for completeness.




The NMDS_POLL argument is available on either the NomadPackageLocator.exe (recommended) or NomadBranch.exe service command-line. When run, it places a request for a network share and size associated with it. It must only be used within a task sequence.


The NMDS_COMPLETE argument is available on the NomadPackageLocator.exe (recommended) or NomadBranch.exe service argument-line. It indicates that all user data has been copied to the PBA share and the connection can be closed. When run, it disconnects from its associated share and fixes its contents for the duration defined in the Nomad PostCompleteTimeoutHours registry value on the device where the share is hosted. It is only for use within a task sequence.


The NMDS_HA argument is available on the NomadPackageLocator.exe (recommended) or NomadBranch.exe service argument-line. It creates additional backup copies of the user data that has been copied to the PBA share, so it must be run after the share has been closed using NMDS_COMPLETE. It is only for use within a task sequence.


The NMDS_FIND argument is available on the NomadPackageLocator.exe (recommended) or NomadBranch.exe service argument-line. When run, it locates and connects to the share associated with it. It is only for use in a task sequence.


The NMDS_DELETE argument is available on the NomadPackageLocator.exe (recommended) or NomadBranch.exe service argument-line. When run, it deletes the share, contents and user associated with the shared cache. It is only for use in a task sequence.