Installing Content Distribution overview

Installation requirements including installers and installation order.


Before installing Nomad, make sure your infrastructure meets the Requirements.

Content Distribution requires:

  • 1E Platform.

  • 1E Client (with the Nomad client module enabled) installed on Windows devices.

  • 1E Client (with the Nomad client module enabled) installed on Configuration Manager Distribution Points.

For full details, refer to:

Content Distribution Tools

Content Distribution Tools are provided in a zip file, you can download from


Installer for a useful troubleshooting tool to monitor Nomad activity. It has no dependency on Configuration Manager.

For information about using this tool, please refer to Nomad Download Monitor.


Installer for

  • 1E NomadBranch Tools (for OSD) on Configuration Manager site servers.

  • 1E Nomad Branch Admin Extensions on Configuration Manager consoles (previously NomadBranchAdminUIExt.msi).

For information about installing these tools, please refer to Installing Nomad Branch Tools.


Sample script that provides two functions to update sites and subnets in the Content Distribution locations table: DeleteAllLocations and AddLocation().

For details of how to use this script, please refer to Example Single Site script.


Sample script that scans the Active Directory (AD) environment for all sites and subnets and stores the information in the Content Distribution locations table.

For details of how to use this script, please refer to Example Active Directory Single Site script.

The sample PowerShell scripts can be used to populate the Content Distribution database, to support the following Nomad features:

1E Client

You can download the 1E Client zip by clicking on the1E Client link in the 1E Support Portal at can extract these files:


Installer for computers that have a 32-bit platform architecture.


Installer for computers that have a 64-bit platform architecture, including Distribution Points.

Content Distribution is a module in the 1E Client, which also includes platform and client modules for Shopping/WSA and WakeUp. Refer to Introducing 1E Client.

Refer to Client Deployment Assistant for information about a wizard that assists Configuration Manager with the deployment of 1E Client and PXE Everywhere, guiding you through common settings for clients and deployments.

Installation Order

We recommend you install Content Distribution in the following order:


1E Platform

If you have purchased a platform license, then you can install and use 1E Platform for additional features.


Tools for Operating System Deployment (OSD) on Configuration site servers

Install branch Tools for OSD on the Configuration Manager primary sites (and extra SMS Providers, if they exist) if Content Distribution's OSD features are required, refer to Installing Nomad Branch Tools.

Configuration Manager Console should not be running on the computer when NomadBranchTools is installed/upgraded.

If you are also implementing PXE Everywhere, you may wish to install PXE Everywhere Central on your site server at this point. Please refer to Installing PXE Everywhere Central.


Install Console extensions on Configuration Manager site servers

Install branch tools on any computers that have Configuration Management Console installed, refer to Installing Nomad Branch Tools.

Configuration Manager Console should not be running on the computer when NomadBranchAdminUIExt is installed/upgraded.


Deploy 1E Client to selected Configuration Manager Distribution Points

Install 1E Client (with the Content Distribution client module enabled) on Configuration Manager Distribution Points. Enable 1E Platform features and other client modules if required.

By default, IIS is configured to prevent certain file types from being downloaded. You will need to allow Content Distribution to download all content as it does not use the Configuration Manager workaround to bypass this Microsoft security feature.

We recommend you read IIS Request Filtering which describes how to update the filtering on all distribution points to enable Content Distribution to function as expected.

You might also want to configure any virus checkers running on your network to make exceptions for the Nomad executables and support files, as described in Antivirus exceptions.

You can also optionally install PXE Everywhere Responders to selected clients if you have DHCP snooping enabled in your network. Please refer to DHCP Snooping.


Deploy 1E Client to selected Configuration Manager clients

Install 1E Client (with Nomad client module enabled) on Configuration Manager Distribution Points. Enable platform features and other client modules if required.

You can also optionally enable PXE Everywhere Agent in the 1E Client..


Post-installation tasks

Verify selected clients before deploying the 1E Client to remaining Distribution Points and client devices.

Deploy Console extensions to administrator workstations.