Supported Platforms

A list of all the platforms supported by Content Distribution, and the software required to allow Content Distribution to be installed or to work.

1E Platform

Although not a requirement for generally using Content Distribution, the 1E Platform must be installed and available before you can use certain features. The following features use Content Distribution and require 1E Platform and platform features of Content Distribution to be enabled:

The following features were provided in earlier versions of Content Distribution:

  • 1E Client Health - now provided by the Endpoint Automation feature of the platform.

  • Content Distribution Dashboard - now provided by Content Distribution app feature of the platform.

Content Distribution Administration Tools




Windows OS

OS versions supported by Configuration Manager versions are listed below.


Microsoft Endpoint Manager Configuration Manager

  • MECM CB 2211

  • MECM CB 2207

  • MECM CB 2203

  • MECM CB 2111

  • MECM CB 2107

1E maintains a testing cycle for our products relative to the Current Branch release cycle. Please refer to Support for Microsoft Rapid-Release Cycle in the Support Portal for the latest information on future releases of CM Current Branch, and any advisories related to these releases.

For each Configuration Manager site server where you intend to administer task sequence packages to use 1E as the alternate download provider, you need to ensure that:

  • The Configuration Manager Admin Console must be installed on the site server – as is the case in a default Configuration Manager installation. This is a prerequisite for installing the Admin Console GUI extensions, which must be installed on the site server before installing on any remote Configuration Manager console.

  • Ensure you meet the prerequisites for Configuration Manager if you are using the BIOS to UEFI feature: BIOS TO UEFI 1.4 - Requirements.

If these conditions are not met, the 1E settings for task sequences will not be created correctly.

This is the case even if you install a remote Configuration Manager Admin Console with the Content Distribution Admin Console GUI extension, except for Content Distribution Branch Tools, which are required to be installed on Configuration Manager Site Server only.

Runtime libraries

  • Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable

  • ASP.NET Core Framework 3.1

  • .NET Framework 4.8

.NET Framework is required for the Admin Console GUI extensions, the Download Monitor, and NomadBranch GUI. It is not a requirement for other features of Content Distribution.


Content Distribution is able to work with antivirus systems provided they have certain exclusions configured.

It is likely that performance will be impaired by antivirus programs. To mitigate this, we have detailed suggested antivirus exclusions you can implement. Please refer to Nomad post-installation tasks.

Content Distribution client

The 1E Client (with Content Distribution client enabled) must be installed on client devices and Configuration Manager Distribution Points.




Windows OS

  • Windows Server 2022

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2016

  • Windows 365

  • Windows 11 CB 21H2

  • Windows 10 CB 21H2

  • Windows 10 CB 21H1

  • Windows 10 CB 20H2

  • The zip for 1E Client for Windows is available for download from the 1E Exchange. All versions are provided with 32-bit & 64-installers, and can be installed on physical and virtual computers.

  • Professional and Enterprise editions are supported for Windows 10 and Windows 11.

  • Windows 365: Enable SSD on your clients, and make sure all site/subnets are added to the location table. Refer to SSDEnabled and Example Active Directory Single Site script.

  • Windows Server 2016 Core Server installations: Only 64-bit versions are supported, and Distribution Points on this OS do not support PXE or Multicast.

  • Peer copy over HTTP or HTTPS is the recommended method of peer sharing content.

  • Content Distribution and Content Distribution Multicast require MSXML6 to communicate with the Configuration Manager client. This is present in all the supported versions of Windows (with the required service packs).

For installation guidance on Windows, please refer to Deploying 1E Client on Windows.

This list shows only those OS versions in mainstream support by Microsoft, and therefore supported by 1E, and by 1E Client 24.5.

Refer to Constraints of legacy operating systems regarding the end of mainstream support.

For Microsoft product lifecycle details, please refer to

Refer to Support for Microsoft Rapid-Release Cycle in the Support Portal or details of which Current Branch versions are supported by 1E products, and known issues regarding specific versions.

Runtime libraries

  • .NET Framework 4.8

  • .NET Framework 4.7.2

  • .NET Framework 4.7.1

  • .NET Framework 4.7

  • .NET Framework 4.6.2

  • .NET Framework 4.6.1

  • .NET Framework 4.6

.NET Framework is required only for the following features of 1E Client:

  • The Real-Time Control Center feature of the 1E Client (also known as 1E Client UI and Interaction module) supports Experience Engagements (Announcements and Surveys), and ITSM Support Tickets

  • Windows Servicing Assistant (WSA) feature of the Shopping client module, which supports OS deployment, upgrades and migrations.

This list is automatically updated to show only those .NET Framework versions in mainstream support by Microsoft, and therefore supported by 1E, and by 1E 8.1.

For Microsoft product lifecycle details, please refer to

Other Windows Software

  • Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable

  • Content Distribution 7.0 (or later)

  • PowerShell 3.0 (or later)

1E Client installer includes the redistributable package for Visual C++ 2013.

1E Client provides client features. It also includes the Content Distribution client module which replaces the legacy branch client. 1E client features can optionally use Content Distribution to download content (feature enabled by default) if the Content Distribution client module in is enabled (module disabled by default) or Content Distribution Branch 7.0 or later is running.

PowerShell is not a prerequisite for the installation of the 1E Client. PowerShell is used by some 1E instructions (that have PowerShell commands embedded or scripts that are downloaded) and some of these require PowerShell 3.0 or later.

For more details, please refer to Downloading client content and Content Distribution integration.

Microsoft Endpoint Manager Configuration Manager Client

  • MECM CB 2211

  • MECM CB 2207

  • MECM CB 2203

  • MECM CB 2111

  • MECM CB 2107

This list is automatically updated to show only those Configuration Manager versions in mainstream support by Microsoft, and therefore supported by 1E, and by Content Distribution.

For Microsoft product lifecycle details, please refer to

Refer to Support for Microsoft Rapid-Release Cycle in the Support Portal for details of which Current Branch versions are supported by 1E products, and known issues regarding specific versions.

1E maintains a testing cycle for our products relative to the Current Branch release cycle.

Refer to Support for Microsoft Rapid-Release Cycle in the Support Portal for the latest information on future releases of CM Current Branch, and any advisories related to these releases.

If IIS filtering is enabled on Distribution Points, you may encounter problems during downloads if certain types of content are present in the download. Please refer to IIS Request Filtering.

(Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager is also known as Configuration Manager, ConfigMgr, Config Man, CM and SCCM among other names. Version names include 2012 and Current Branch or CB.)


Nomad is able to work with Antivirus systems provided they have certain exclusions configured.

It is likely that 1E performance will be impaired by antivirus programs. To mitigate this, we have detailed suggested antivirus exclusions you can implement. Please refer to Nomad post-installation tasks.