
A glossary of platform terminology.

1E alphabetical glossary



1E Client

1E Client provides client features and modules for 1E products including 1E. It replaces the 1E Agent.


An Action is a specific type of instruction that is sent to client devices which can be used to modify the state of the target device. For example, setting a registry key, killing a process, deleting a file. Whereas a Question is an instruction that requests information from the target device, but does not change its state.

Generally an Action needs to undergo an approval process before it is sent.


Agent is the old name for the client. The Agent has been replaced by the 1E Client which provides client features and modules for 1E products including 1E.

All Instructions Approver

This is a 1E system role which allows assigned users to approve actions for all Instruction Sets . Users can approve unless the action was requested by themselves.

All Instructions Questioner

This is a 1E system role which allows assigned users to ask questions and view responses for all Instruction Sets; use custom properties.

All Instructions Viewer

This is a 1E system role which allows assigned users to view instructions and responses for all Instruction Sets.

Audit information log

The Audit information log page displays audit information related to installation, permissions, instruction set and consumer related operations carried out using the Endpoint Troubleshooting and Settings applications.

Refer to Monitoring.

Historic Data Capture

The old name for Client Activity Record.

Agent Language

The Agent language is an interpretive programming language that is executed by the client in the form of an  instruction payload. Instructions, and their payload, are based on instruction definitions which are stored in the TachyonMaster database. Definitions are uploaded into the database from the Administrator console by dragging and dropping one or more Instruction Definition files, a DEXPack or ZIP file containing Instruction Definition files.

The language, called DEXCode, uses Agent modules and methods and is documented in the SDK.

Agent Provider

A plug-in component for the 1E Client which communicates with an external component, such as an operating system facility (for example Windows registry) or a service-provider application (for example Content Distribution).

1E Client modules use Providers to get their work done.


  • WMI provider.

  • Registry provider.

  • Nomad provider.

  • BASH provider.


Auto-curation is a Catalog function and refers to the automated process of creating match rules in 1E Catalog. These match rules are neither created by the customer not by the 1E curation team. The rules are created in the customer's local 1E Catalog copy using automated logic built by 1E.

Background Channel

The Background Channel is a mechanism by which the 1E client can download resources via HTTPS without loading the Switch. Since this traffic does not go through the Switch, the client is still able to receive and process instructions while performing these downloads. From v2.0 onwards, the client is able to download resources via Content Distribution.

The Background Channel is a web application on the 1E Server Website and provides the following:

  • Stores 1E content from the Consumer API in the Background Channel for clients to retrieve.

  • Responds to clients retrieving 1E content from the Background Channel.

Client module

A plug-in component for the 1E Client which encapsulates business logic.

Modules contain Methods, which can be invoked by DEXCode.

Modules (and their methods) effectively provide a platform independent API. To that end, Modules and their Methods do not (generally) talk about anything platform specific (Windows, Linux, Android etc).


  • FileSystem.

  • OperatingSystem.

  • Network.

  • Software.

Column filters

Some tables contain a column filter that lets you easily filter the information displayed in the table.Using column filtersThe picture opposite shows an example taken from AppClarity. In our example we want to filter the table to show only those items where the Edition contains the text Prof.To filter the table on the Edition column:Click on the filter iconjust beneath the header row in the Edition column.The filter popup is displayed.Now select the operator. In our example this will be contains.Then type the text Prof into the text field.Click Apply and a new filter will be added to the table.The table will be filtered to just those items whose Edition contains the text Prof.Adding another filterYou can add another filter by clicking on the filter icon for any of the columns. The picture opposite shows another filter added selecting table rows where the Type also contains the text License. The table will also be filtered accordingly.Removing filtersYou can remove filters by clicking on the filter close icon at the end of the filter.

Column Picker

Using column pickerWhere the column picker control is shown you can choose which columns are displayed. In the following example on the Microsoft Core License Demand page we hide the Unknown Installs column and move the License Demand column to the left of the page.To pick the displayed columns:Click on the Choose columns iconto the right of the header row to view the visible columns.To exclude Unknown Installs, select the Unknown Installs row and click Exclude columns button.The Unknown Installs column is now hidden.To move the License Demand column to the top of the list, hover your mouse over License Demand and using the direction control drag it to the top of the list.The Microsoft Core License Demand page has now been automatically updated with our changes.

Column sorts

Some tables contain column sorts that let you easily re-order the information displayed in the table.Using column sortsThe picture opposite shows an example taken from AppClarity. In our example we want to sort the table on the Cost column from the highest cost at the top to the lowest at the bottom. To sort the table on the Cost column:Click on the sort iconjust beneath the header row in the Cost column.The sort popup is displayed.Now select the sort direction. In our example this will be Sort descending.After selecting this the data in the table is now sorted on the Cost column from highest to lowest and the sort icon has changed to a sort descending iconClearing the sortYou can clear the sort by clicking on the sort icon again and selecting the Clear sorting menu item from the sorting popup.

Configuration Manager Extensions

The Configuration Manager Extensions currently include.

  • Configuration Manager Agent emergency stop and resume actions

  • Configuration Manager Agent actions

  • Client Health Check

  • 1E Run Instruction utility (used by the each of the above right-click actions to request 1E to run an instruction)

  • 1E Instruction Runner (a mini UI version of the 1E Endpoint Troubleshooting)

This feature is included in the 1E Toolkit.

Documentation for installing and using the Configuration Manager Extensions will be available soon.


A Consumer is any application that connects to and uses the Consumer API. An example is the Endpoint Troubleshooting application.

Consumer API

The Consumer API is a documented set of API endpoints provided by a web application on the 1E Web Server called Consumer. It is referred to as the Consumer API in order to avoid confusion with 1E Consumers, which are 'consumers' of the API.

The Consumer API is a web application on the 1E Server Website, actually named Consumer, and provides the following:

  • Processes the consumer requests from the Endpoint Troubleshooting and other Consumers.

  • Publishes 1E content to the Background Channel.

  • Forwards requests for instrumentation data from the Endpoint Troubleshooting to the 1E Instrumentation component.

  • Forwards workflow commands from the Endpoint Troubleshooting to the 1E Workflow component.

Consumer requests

A Consumer sends requests to the Consumer API.

Coordinator Service

The Coordinator Service has two modules:

  • Instrumentation module.

  • Workflow module.

Coordinator Instrumentation module

The Coordinator Instrumentation module is part of the Coordinator Service on the 1E Server which processes instrumentation data from the following components:

  • Core.

  • Coordinator Workflow module.

  • Switch.

And responds to requests for instrumentation data from the Consumer API.

Coordinator Workflow module

The Coordinator Workflow module is part of the Coordinator Service on the 1E Server that provides the following:

  • Forwards workflow commands from the Consumer API to the Core.

  • Stores workflow in SQL.

  • Connects to remote SMTP to send emails used in the approval process for actions.


The Core is a 1E Server web component that does the following:

  • Forwards workflow commands from the Coordinator workflow module to the Switch.

  • Forwards responses from the Switch to the Responses database (this task requires high throughput).

  • Generates and sends instrumentation data to the Instrumentation service.

Core Internal

Core Internal is the part of the Core which allows fast internal communication with the Switch using HTTP instead of HTTPS, restricted to the Switch server's local IP Address only.

Custom Role

1E roles that define which Users have access to which Instruction Set.

These roles can be modified in the Administration pages by users assigned to the Full Administrator role.

Custom Properties

Full Administrator can manage the custom properties using the Properties page in Endpoint Troubleshooting.

The only custom property type available after installing the 1E server is Coverage tags, further types may be added during installation of other Consumers.

Device tags

Device tags can be used when setting the coverage for a particular question so that only client devices with a particular tag name and value get the question. The names and values of Device tags must be pre-configured by a Full Administrator before setting them on a client device using Device tag actions.

Device tags can also be queried directly by Device tag questions.

Device tags were previously known as Coverage tags. In 1E Client log files, Device tags are also referenced as scopable tags.

Please also see Freeform tags.

DNS Name

DNS Name FQDN is the term used in this documentation to represent the name of a 1E Server. Typically a 1E Server will have only one DNS Name, which will be the CNAME or an (A) Host record that uniquely represents a server's IP Address. 1E normally recommends using an CNAME record.

In a 1E system, each 1E Server will have a DNS Name FQDN.

In a single-Switch installation the Switch is on the same server and uses the same DNS Name. When a Response Stack has more than one Switch, each Switch has its own IP Address, so you can choose if the will share the same DNS Name, or if each will have its own DNS Name. The 1E Server certificate must have all

NAME                    TYPE   VALUE
--------------------------------------------------               CNAME  tachyon.acme.local.
tachyon.acme.local.     CNAME        A is an Alias record

tachyon.acme.local is a CNAME record is a (A) Host record

Event Subscription

A type of instruction that can be sent to the client. An Event Subscription tells the client to monitor an arbitrary event source for a period of time (defined by the Instruction's TTL), to capture events as they occur and to report them back via the Switch.

Endpoint Troubleshooting


The Endpoint Troubleshooting application is the web portal used by users and administrators. It is an example of a Consumer application.

It is a web application on the 1E Server Website and provides the following:

  • Browser connection providing the Endpoint Troubleshooting and Administration pages.

  • Sends consumer requests to the Consumer API.


There are two kinds of filter: Question filters are used to reduce the responses from the clients; View filters reduce the information displayed in Endpoint Troubleshooting on the Responses page.

Freeform tags

Freeform tags may be used to set properties on client devices that can subsequently be used in Freeform tag questions. They cannot be used when defining the coverage for a question.

Freeform tags can be set with arbitrary names and values that are defined only when running a Freeform tag action.

In 1E log files, Freeform tags are also known a non-scopable tags.

Please also see Device tags.


Fully Qualified Domain Name. This is the complete domain name for a specific IP-connected device, and is unique within the network and unambiguous. The FQDN consists of two parts: the hostname and the domain name. For example

Full Administrator

This is a 1E system role which has the combined rights of all the other system roles.

Group Administrator

This is a 1E system role which allows assigned users to create, modify and delete Management groups and modify their membership.

Endpoint Automation application

Endpoint Automation application is used to ensure endpoint compliance to enterprise IT policies. It is an example of a Consumer application.


Instruction is the generic term used to describe:

  • Questions.

  • Actions.

An Instruction is sent to one or more clients, and will yield one or more responses.

Instruction Definitions

Instruction Definitions are retrieved from the Core by the Switch. They define the type and functionality of the instructions and are used to control the clients to respond in the appropriate way.

Instruction Definition Files

Instruction Definition files are XML format files that contain definitions for Instructions and any associated resources.

Instruction Sets

Instruction Sets provide a way of organizing instructions and setting permissions on those instructions. They can be created, modified and deleted from the 1E Administration console.

Instrumentation data

Each of the 1E components creates instrumentation data that can be used to display how the 1E system is performing.

JSON Provider

This is an internal provider within the 1E agent library, used to deserialize and return a JSON string as a data table. Analogous to the Windows specific PowerShell Provider.

Legacy OS

In this documentation, Windows XP, Vista and Windows Server 2003 are referred to as legacy OS.

Microsoft has withdrawn support for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, but 1E includes Vista in this list because it is not significantly used by business organizations.

For details of limitations and additional considerations for these OS, please see Supported Platforms.

License file

1E will provide you with a Tachyon.lic license file that defines the applications, tools, and features your 1E System is able to use, for how long, and how many devices it supports, this may be an evaluation or subscription license.

  • The license must be activated. Once activated, it may be used only by the 1E System that activated it.

  • Licenses can be renewed or updated, but if allowed to expire, then the affected products or features will not be usable.

  • For a new installation, the 1E Setup program will let you select the license file from any folder on disk.

  • For an existing installation, the license file is copied into the folder: %PROGRAMDATA%\1E\Licensing on your 1E Server.

Ensure the following URL is whitelisted:

This URL must be accessible from the 1E Server during setup and running of 1E.

The 1E license must be validated on a regular basis via internet contact with the 1E license service. The regular validation period is set when the license is requested.

For whitelisting purposes, the 1E Server (specifically the Coordinator Workflow module in the Master Stack) requires an Internet connection to the 1E license service, as defined in the license file itself. If activation fails, then the system will install but not be usable until activation is completed.

When upgrading, you are recommended to get a new license file and update your whitelist with the new URL. The old URL ( is suitable only for 8.0 and earlier. However, if you are upgrading and your license file has the old URL then you should also whitelist the old URL.

License Service

The License Service is hosted in the cloud by 1E, and accessible via an internet connection.


Methods are documented in the SDK.


Normalization is a Platform function that refers to the process of finding (or not finding) a match rule in 1E Catalog, then deduplicating and rationalizing the information using Platform logic, and publishing the information on the 1E Catalog UI. Partial Matching for example does not have a match rule in 1E Catalog but it’s still normalized and published on the UI using Platform logic.

Patch Insights


Patch Insights application is used to report on and ensure successful patching of your enterprise.


How the Role-Based Access Control feature assigns Users to Roles, providing access to Instruction Sets and Administration pages.

Persistent Storage

The client stores information in Persistent Storage which it needs each time it starts. For example the last processed instruction. A hash value of each item of information is stored in the registry, which the client uses to ensure it trusts each item.

Persistent storage includes a local database that is compressed and encrypted in a way that ensures a very low impact on device performance and security. This database is used to store data for the Client Activity Record feature.

PowerShell Provider

This is a Windows specific internal provider within the 1E agent library. It provides functionality to execute powershell.exe from a fixed location (System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0) on a PowerShell (.sp1) script and return the result.

Some earlier versions of Windows (such as Windows XP) do not support PowerShell.


DEXPacks contain instructions or other things which extend the capabilities of 1E.

DEXPacks which are required to support 1E features out-of-the-box are provided in the 1E Platform zip. The 1E Platform zip can be downloaded from the 1E Support Portal. Additional product packs are available from 1E Exchange.

There are two types of DEXPacks described in the following table.

Classic Product Packs

Classic DEXPacks contain instructions (actually Instruction Definition files) for use in Endpoint Troubleshooting and other 1E applications.

Classic DEXPacks can be uploaded into 1E using either of the following methods:

  • 1E product pack deployment tool - which will upload the instructions in the pack and create an Instruction Set for them based on the name of the zip (with hyphens converted into spaces)

  • the 1E Portal Settings app→ Instructions → Instruction Sets, described in Instructions. This method requires instructions to be organized into Instruction Sets by an Instruction Set Administrator. Settings can also be used to export instructions.

Either method requires an Instruction Set Administrator to configure permissions for accessing the instructions.

Integrated Product Packs

Integrated DEXPacks contain policies, rules and fragments for use by Endpoint Automation, and may also include instructions.

If the Integrated DEXPack contains instructions associated with the policies, the tool creates an Instruction Set using the name in its manifest file.

Integrated DEXPacks are uploaded using the PPDT.


1E product pack deployment tool

A tool for uploading Classic and Integrated DEXPacks.

Please see 1E product pack deployment tool.


Providers can be used by applications to leverage external tools to perform specific operations. For example the reclaim provider enables software to be uninstalled, thereby extending the functionality of the platform to include uninstallation.


In 1E a Question is a specific type of instruction that requests information from client devices. The information is returned to 1E as responses.

Report Refresh

You can refresh reports from individual AppClarity screens as well as using the Settings App. Where this is available you can do this by using the refresh icon next to the Last Refreshed box:


The data resulting from a client executing an instruction.

Role-Based Access Control

Also known as RBAC. This is a general term for assigning users to roles which allow them access specific features of 1E.

Roles can be assigned to AD users and groups added in the Administration Security page.

A role can be either of the following:

  • System role.

  • Custom role.


The Agent Language.


The 1E SDK describes the following and is available here: Writing instructions

  • Agent Language (DEXCode).

  • Agent modules and methods.


Refers to an item that may be secured by 1E using RBAC.

Server installation account

This is the account used to run 1E Setup (and the MSI installer) when installing or upgrading a 1E Server. The account is automatically defined as a 1E admin user with limited rights which cannot be edited (called a system principal). The installation account only has sufficient rights to add other users, assign them to roles, and install 1E applications. The users and roles created by the installation account are then used for ongoing use and management of 1E.

If you need the installation account to have additional roles or be a Full Administrator, then the recommended approach is:

  • First create a role-based AD Security group, and add the installation and other accounts to this group.

  • Then, the installation account:

    • Logs into 1E and navigates to Settings → Permissions → Users and Groups.

    • Creates a new user for the role-based AD Security Group.

    • Assigns the relevant system role(s) to the new user - this can be Full Administrator.

When installing a 1E Server, the account must be an Active Directory domain account with various rights on the 1E Server and the SQL Server instance. For more detail see 1E Server Installation Account.

For a new installation, only the Server installation account is able to use the Endpoint Troubleshooting and assign user rights to other users and groups. Once these other users or groups have been assigned, then the Server installation account can be optionally disabled in AD pending future updates and upgrades.

The Server installation account is a system principal and cannot be deleted or granted additional rights; it is able to manage additional users and groups, create and edit custom roles, which are then used for ongoing use and management of the system. However, the account may be included in any AD security group assigned to a 1E system or custom role.

Server instructions

A special type of instruction, which cannot be run in Endpoint Troubleshooting. They are for internal use only, run on the server, and used to carry out on-demand or scheduled processing of data across various datasources, such as SQL databases. For example, the Dashboards app uses them to populate tiles and charts with data from the TachyonMaster and Experience databases.

They are also called server-side instructions, to differentiate them from client-side instructions which run on client devices.

Settings application

Settings application is used to configure 1E system and application settings. It is an example of a 1E Consumer application.

Single-Switch installation

A single-Switch installation is a type of single-server installation which has only one Switch. This is the simplest 1E Server configuration.

Single-server installation

A single-server installation is where all 1E Server components are installed on the same Web Server, with one to five Switches, and SQL Server either local or remote. A single-Switch installation is the simplest configuration. More than one Switch requires additional hardware resources.

If SQL Server is remote then it is also referred to as a split-server configuration. Best performance is achieved using a local SQL Server installation.

SMTP gateway

Systems such as the 1E Server connect to the gateway in order to send emails. Also known as SMTP relay.


The Switch component on the 1E Server provides the following:

  • Sends instructions to and retrieves responses from the clients.

  • Forwards responses to the Core component.

  • Receives workflow commands from the Core component.

  • Retrieves instruction definitions from the Core component.

  • Sends instrumentation data to the Instrumentation component.

On the 1E Server, the Switch Host service is responsible for managing all the local Switches

The Switch configuration is stored in the SwitchConfiguration table of the TachyonMaster database. This includes the number of slots and workers used by the Switch which controls the maximum number of devices that can be managed by each Switch. A Switch restart will fail if the Switch failed to de-register itself, therefore the registration entry in the TachyonMaster database will need to be manually removed after troubleshooting.

Switch Host

The Switch Host service

  • is a Windows service that manages local Switches.

  • automatically starts each Switch and if a Switch stops, the Switch Host analyses the reason and attempt to restart it.

  • has a configuration file contains entries for one or more Switches.

  • has its own log file.

System Principal

A system principal is a 1E user which cannot be modified in the Administration pages, and is assigned to a system role.

The Server installation account is a system principal which is assigned to the Consumer Administrator, Security Administrator and Instruction Set Administrator system roles.

System Role

1E roles which cannot be modified in the Administration pages. 1E users can be assigned to these roles. For more information about System and Custom roles, please refer to Roles and Securables.

The following are built-in system roles.

  • All Instructions Actioner

  • All Instructions Approver

  • All Instructions Questioner

  • All Instructions Viewer

  • Full Administrator

  • Group Administrator

  • Guaranteed State Administrator

  • Guaranteed State Policy Assigner

  • Guaranteed State User

  • Installer

  • Inventory Administrator

  • Inventory User

  • 1E System

Client Activity Record

This is a client feature, also known as inventory, previously known as Historic Data Capture.

This feature captures data from a number of sources on the client device, encrypts and stores in compressed form on the client device. Raw and summarized (aggregated) data is stored and can be queried using instructions.

See 1E Client settings.

1E client

Client features are provided by the 1E Client. The 1E Client includes client features and modules for other 1E products including 1E.

1E enables rapid response to instructions using the client, which supports the retrieval of information, running actions and device tagging. The client can also be extended to support additional features. The client connects to the Switch and the Background Channel.

1E content

1E content is:

  • files (such as scripts) associated with a particular instruction via their which the client will download when it performs that instruction.

  • extensibles (normally in the form of DLLs on Windows), which the client will download when it self-updates. This allows additional client functionality to be deployed.

1E content is downloaded on demand via the Background Channel.

1E Exchange

The 1E Exchange is a community platform and library of automation modules (DEXPacks) for systems management created by 1E. Our goal for this community is to democratize the development and optimization of automation processes to simplify work. Leveraging DEXCode, 1E's native language, and the 1E Platform we wish to grow into a community that builds powerful modules to serve each other's needs.

You can browse the 1E Exchange but you will need a 1E Support login to download.


This feature is included in the 1E Toolkit.

TIMS provides a user interface for developing and testing instructions using DEXCode. It includes an isolated copy of the 1E Client so that you can develop instructions for that client version, independent of the 1E Client version that may be installed on your computer.

By default TIMS and its 1E client run under the security context of the user that started it. To use the context of Local System, as used by a normal 1E client, you can start TIMS using PSexec.

More information about TIMS is available in the 1E Community on the 1E Support Portal.

TIMS should be used to edit and save Instruction Definition files.

1E Instruction Runner

This feature is the graphical user interface part of the Configuration Manager Extensions which is included in the 1E Toolkit. It is a mini UI version of Endpoint Troubleshooting.

It is an example of a 1E Consumer.

It should not to be confused with the 1E Run Instruction utility available in the 1E Toolkit.

TachyonMaster database

The SQL Server database which contains:

  • Configuration details of the 1E System.

  • instruction definitions and Instruction Sets.

  • Users (Principals).

  • Permissions.

  • Roles.

  • Devices.

  • Audit log.

The configuration files for the following components contain SQL Connection strings for the TachyonMaster database.

  • Core.

  • Coordinator Workflow module.

  • Consumer API.

1E Master Stack

A 1E Master Stack is part of a 1E System. There is one 1E Master Stack that all the 1E Response Stacks communicate with. A 1E Master Stack contains the following components:

  • SQL Server instance with TachyonMaster Database (local or remote/split)

  • Consumer API.

  • Coordinator.

  • Explorer.

  • Authentication.

  • Registration.

1E Portal

The 1E Portal is the home page for 1E applications.

The following buttons appear on all application pages of the 1E Portal.

The refresh button is used to refresh the contents of the page.

The expand button toggles the size of the page inside the browser by hiding or showing the menu and main title bar.

TachyonResponses database

The SQL Server database which contains:

  • Responses

1E Response Stacks

A Response Stack is part of a 1E System. This is where one or more Response Stacks talk back to a single 1E Master Stack. Multiple Response Stacks are necessary when additional Switches are required for scale, security or for geographic or other network reasons. Each Switch can handle 50000 devices, so each Response Stack can handle a maximum of 250000 devices.

Each Response Stack has the following components:

  • Switch Host.

  • Switches (up to 5, local or remote/split).

  • Core.

  • SQL Server instance with Tachyon Responses database (local or remote/split).

  • Background Channel.

A Response Stack will typically host Switches and Background Channel using the same DNS Alias.

1E Role

1E roles are used to implement Role-base access control (RBAC) and assign permissions to users and restrict access to areas of Endpoint Troubleshooting and ability to use instructions in Instruction Sets .The roles may be system roles or custom roles related to specific Instruction Sets .

1E Run Instruction utility

This command-line utility is included in the 1E Toolkit and is targeted at 3rd party integration, and can be used by scripts.

It is an example of a 1E Consumer.

It is used by the Configuration Manager Extensions which is also available in the 1E Toolkit.

More information about the 1E Run Instruction utility is available in the 1E Community on the 1E Support Portal.

1E Server

A 1E Server is any server on which a 1E Server component is installed. The following are 1E Server components.

  • Coordinator service (Instrumentation and Workflow modules).

  • Switch Host.

  • Switches.

  • Website (including Explorer and Core).

A 1E Server can have one or more Switches.

1E Stack

There are two types of Stack: Master Stack and Response Stack.

Every 1E system has a single Master Stack, which provides web services for 1E applications. Master Stack components are typically all installed on a single Master Server.

1E real-time features require Response Stacks, which are made up of one or more Response Servers. A DMZ Server is an example of a Response Server. Each Response Stack has at least one Background Channel for sharing resources, and a single Core component that supports an associated set of up to five Switches. Switches are the primary mechanism for rapidly requesting and retrieving responses from the clients. As each Switch can handle up to 50,000 devices there is a limit of 250,000 devices per Response Stack. Higher numbers can be achieved if you contact 1E for guidance. Switches may be local or remote to the other components in the Response Stack.

Databases for 1E, Catalog, Content Distribution, Experience, SLA and BI, are installed on SQL Server database instance(s) that may also be local or remote to their respective Master and Response servers. It is also possible for multiple Response Stacks to share the same Responses database. The Cube used by Patch Success (SLA-BI) is installed on a local or remote SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) instance.

1E System

At the top-most level, a 1E System consists of 1E Server components, grouped into 1E Stacks, and a set of clients that are deployed onto the devices that you want to manage.

In addition, a system can have one or more Consumers (the built-in Consumer is Endpoint Troubleshooting).

1E System is also a system role, used by 1E for service an equivalent account to perform 1E system operations.

1E Toolkit

The 1E Toolkit is a collection of the following tools, which can be installed on a Windows computer for use by a User who has appropriate permissions.

  • Configuration Manager Extensions - this can be installed only on a computer that has already installed a supported platform. Refer to Supported Platforms.

  • 1E Instruction Management Studio.

  • .1E Run Instruction utility.

The toolkit is available for download from the 1E Community in the 1E Support Portal.

Documentation for installing and using the Toolkit will be available soon.

1E User

A domain account that is authorized to access Endpoint Troubleshooting portal and/or the 1E Administration pages.

Authorization is achieved by adding the AD account or group and assigning it to a role.


There are two types of tag: coverage tags and freeform tags.

In 1E log files, these tags are also known a scopable and non-scopable tags.

Two-factor authentication

Also known as 2FA. See Two-factor authentication.


The 1E Website hosts the following web applications:


  • Admin.

  • Consumer - Consumer API.

  • CoreExternal.

  • Platform.

Response and DMZ:

  • Background - Background Channel.

  • Core.

Optional applications on Master:

  • ContentDistrbution.

  • Experience.

The Website has an HTTP binding and HTTPS binding.

  • The HTTP binding uses the server's hostname FQDN as a host header, and is used only by SLA components

  • One or more HTTPS bindings - these use the 1E Web Server certificate, the server's DNS Alias as the host name, and has SNI enabled.

Workflow commands

Workflow commands determine how the Coordinator Workflow module processes an instruction, particularly in terms of the permissions required to run the instruction.